Orsi is a hitwoman and she has the task of killing Laura. After she has befriended her target, Orsi discovers that she and Laura have a few things in common. One of those it that they both like to read the same kinds of books. This opens the door for some unexpected intimacy and soon the predator and prey find themselves in entwined as lovers. They awaken later, and Orsi must complete her contract. As she crawls atop the naked Laura, Orsi picks up Laura’s discarded pantyhose. Her weapon is suddenly tight around her victim’s throat and Laura fights for survival. The petite brunette quickly succumbs and Orsi gathers her things and leaves. In the hideout, Sophie confronts Orsi about her sloppiness in carrying out her mission. By screwing Laura, Orsi has left traces of hair and other things from which her DNA can be extracted. Sophie is worried that Orsi will be identified and that she’ll give Sophie up to avoid the death penalty. Being the cautious type, Sophie puts a bullet deep in Orsi’s naked belly, and action that Orsi finds erotic though ultimately fatal. Created By Max5s WHITE WOLF PUBLICATIONS